On September 1st, 2017 she lays her 332nd egg. Henny Penny lays her very first egg on September 1st, 2016. We begin counting the first hen year as soon as the pullet year has passed. The first hen year is less productive than the pullet year because they will spend 8 or more weeks in the fall molting. The highest egg production for all chicken breeds is in the pullet year which runs from the day they lay their first egg to exactly 1 year later. There are 2 primary time frames to look at laying frequency – the pullet year and the first hen year.

Other important factors include the age at point of lay and the length of molt. The important things to look for in egg production is laying frequency (how many eggs), egg size (how big are the eggs), reproductive lifespan (how long does the chicken lay eggs), and feed efficiency (how much does the chicken need to eat to produce an egg). Good egg layers are chickens who, obviously, lay a lot of eggs on little feed.