If you encounter any issues after game updates, check our replacement files for updates and feel free to reach out to us if things go wrong even after we provided updated files. Sometimes Often, EA introduces changes to the game that will require changes in the HQ replacement files.Sometimes, EA randomly disables the ConfigOverride folder and we will report about it here. Lord and Lady Shallot lives in this mysterious cottage as their vacation home where Mimsy loves to garden in the greenhouse. So you need to replace or edit it again afterwards (unless you have the HQ switch in the ConfigOverride folder). The Sims Resource - Sims 4 - Residential - susancho93. Every update resets the GraphicsRules.srg file.> STEP 1 > STEP 2 > REPLACEMENT FILES > STEP 3 > The HQ texture converter > STEP 4 < < < Change the GraphicsRules.sgr file or use the HQ switch.Make your game HQ in 3 steps as described below: You just tell the game to display high resolution textures by changing a game configuation file. By default, the game stores your Saves, Mods, Tray (where your Library items are saved) and all your user game data in a folder called The Sims 4 in Documents > Electronic Arts.

If you’re using the legacy version or your game is having troubles running on highest graphic settings, it is a clear indication that HQ mod may not be a suitable option for you You can check the storage level by clicking on the Apple in the top left corner of the menu bar then About This Mac, then the Storage tab. your computer must be able to run the game on high settings.26 GB of additional hard disk space (if you own all packs)